Rethinking through a change of perspective

Disturb you!
Task: The task is to encourage the target person to think and rethink by causing a "positive" disturbance. This should be done through irritation or provocation.
Central question: How can I disturbe people to help them move away from egotistical and superficial thinking?
Project type: Single project

Egoism and shallowness are usual characteristics of our society. The mirror "shards" has the function to call people’s attention to that.
With a disturbance, when looking in the mirror, people get interrupted at the moment they are totally focused on themselfes and their appearance. They have to persevere and find time to reflect.
Appearances are deceiving…
Stay in front of the mirror and have a look at you.
Due to an installed infrared-sensor the mirror recognices if there’s a person in front of it. Your time is running now.
Would you be in your daily routine and getting ready for work, you only had a short period of time to look at you without a disruption. Because of integrated motors in the frame, which are pushing against the mirror plates, your reflection gets destroyed.
Would you be in your daily routine and getting ready for work, you only had a short period of time to look at you without a disruption. Because of integrated motors in the frame, which are pushing against the mirror plates, your reflection gets destroyed.
Think about it! Is it really worth it wasting your time in front of the mirror? How important is your appearance? Are other values more important?

The mirror plates are separated by straight lines, which create irregular and individual plates. The special pattern reminds of abstract shards. The mirror is held by a frame out of cherry wood. It has a simple, geometric form, which doesn‘t get too striking and gives the mirror a save stand.

This strategy was the most efficient one in this case. It helped me seeing the proportions in original size to get a feeling for them immediately.

model building
Looking for the best fitting piece of cherry wood for the needed dimensions, sawing it in parts, gluing them together and sawing them again, but this time in the exact form

Cutting the mirror plates with a sand-water cutting technique, covering the frame with elastic fabric and gluing the cutted mirror plates on it

Gluing the six wooden parts of the frame together and dragging it until the wood is smooth, afterwards i oiled it.

The mirror was bought by the university of Pforzheim and is now located in a reception room for guests, where selected projects of students are exhibited.